WIP è il partner italiano del Progetto Erasmus+ “Empowering youth, through EVS” EuroMed Training Course che vedrà la partecipazione di 32 Youth workers, mentors, supervisors & project managers attivi nel settore “Servizio di Volontariato Europeo”, in Grecia dall’ 11 al 21 Dicembre 2014
Summary The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is an opportunity for young people between 18 & 30 to offer a voluntary service all over the world, within one non-profit organisation or institute. In the course of every voluntary service, the young people learn and become richer in many regards (communication, self-determination, citizenship, culture). At the end of their European voluntary service, the young volunteers are awarded with a certificate named “Youth pass”. This certificate attests to each volunteer’s participation in the respective EVS and illustrates the various learning / experiences of the volunteer developed during his / her service.
In the training course referred to, we plan to exchange our experiences and develop our competences about volunteering project management. We will also develop common methods with a view to facilitate and improve the quality of the preparation of the volunteer, the quality of his/her carrying out the particular project, including implementation of his/her tasks, the quality of the assistance measures and the self-evaluation of the volunteer. The methods which we are going to elaborate by this training course will allow us both to make easier and more efficient the monitoring/following and the support of the volunteers and to optimize the results of their volunteering projects.
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Vitto e Alloggio Costi coperti al 100% da Solidarity Tracks
Costi di Viaggio Parzialmente coperti dal programma Erasmus+ (per dettagli costi vedi infoPack)
Fee WIP I partecipanti sono tenuti a versare la quota di partecipazione di €20 che include: tesseramento 2014 Associazione WIP, Formazione Pre-partenza, materiale inerente al progetto e T-Shirt WIP
COME CANDIDARSI Ai fini della partecipazione inviare il modulo di candidatura (vedi allegato) e curriculum a formazione@workinprogress-wip.eu
CONTATTI Ufficio Mobilità WIP formazione@workinprogress-wip.eu Skype: workinprogress4eu